Game Tools

Design Methodology – The VAP design methodology is described in several research papers located on this site. VAP Quick Reference vapquickref.pdf Grow-A-Game Cards Now available for iPhone and iPad! Tiltfactor is delighted to be able to share some design methods with the public. Developed as part of Values at Play, the Grow-A-Game cards are widely […]


The Values at Play (VAP) project was conceived with the intent of investigating how video game designers consciously and unconsciously embed social values into video games through narratives and game mechanics. This curriculum, a corollary of the research project, will introduce designers to a systematic method for discovering, analyzing, and integrating values and meaningful, critical […]

Research & Resources

Below is a list of articles and documents related to Values of Play, which covers such topics as: design methodology, design methodologies, critical play, human centered design, game design, values in games, ethics in games, game mechanics, meaningful play. Report on Findings, Publications, Dissemination, and Future Directions Project Documents + Proceedings Belman, Jonathan, Flanagan, Mary, […]